Charley's Field Notes #2

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Thanks so much for reading Rigged for Murder.

I hope you enjoy this issue of Charley’s Field Notes.


Although she doesn’t always enjoy it, Charley’s privileged background means she can really gussy herself up when she needs to, like for the Dominion Day tea at the Rowing Club. I envisaged her wearing something like the cocktail hat (left) while Gran wore the more conservative pillbox hat (right). Here is primer on hats of the era.

Charley’s Work Wear

And while we’re on the subject of fashion, this is how I envisage Charley dressing for work every day. I also think she shares some of Katherine Hepburn’s spunk.

To get an overall feel for fashion in the 40s, click here.

Beaup’s Tavern (Freddie’s favourite watering hole)

Now known as the Portsmouth Tavern, you can still go in for a pint and some food. This is a photo I took while walking around the town one very hot summer day. Click here for more about its history.

A great resource for the history of this lovely village is Jennifer McKendry’s Portsmouth Village, Kingston, an Illustrated History. You can find information about this and other interesting facts on her website.

Sculls and Sloops

Identifying boats plays a huge role in Rigged for Murder. At left is the classic wooden single-man scull in 1948.

At right is a typical sloop (single-masted, rigged fore and aft with the mast stepped about ne-third of the overall length aft of the bow.)  

Frontenac Rowing Club & the Beanish Home

There is no Frontenac Rowing Club, although positioned as it is at the junction of the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario, with the Cataraqui River feeding into the system, there are definitely rowing, canoe and yatching clubs in Kingston. This is a photo I took looking across the Cataraqui River from the Kingston Rowing Club/Cataraqui Canoe Club.

The house and boathouse across the river is how and where I imagined the home of Frank Beanish. I could easily see Dan thinking to make a quick trip across the river to visit with his nemesis, rather than driving a circuitous route to his home.

Thanks again for reading Rigged for Murder and don’t forget to check out Loose Lips Sink Ships, the next Bessie Stormont Whodunit. You can read it here.

And for more of Charley’s adventures, pick up A Diagnosis of Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery, Book 3).

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